SculpSure is the Innovation in hyperthermic laser therapies for non-invasive body contouring, FDA approved.

Check out the newest SculpSure technology. SculpSure helps you get rid of the unwanted love handles or other adipose areas. SculpSure works with a diode laser to destroy padding spots on your body, without surgery. In addition to this great news, SculpSure does not cause any downtime. 

1060 nm






Wie funktioniert

pfeil nach unten

The WarmSculpting treatments are designed to efficiently treat adipose areas. Fat cells get heated up and destroyed with the diode technology, which heats the treating area up to 42-47°C [2].

Right at the beginning of the treatment is the skin cooled down with the SculSure application. This cooling creates comfort and security and stays active throwout the entire session. The lasers‘ energy heats the fat cells in the derma slowly until temperature reaches 42-47°C. This procedure destroys the fat cells irretrievable.

The benefits of the heat also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which helps with skin tightening. Most patients build-up a warm tingling feeling which is yet still very easy to be tolerated. After 25 minutes the session is over and you can continue with your day.


2 A uniform treatment success cannot be guaranteed and depends, for example, on the treatment parameters, the physical conditions and the lifestyle of the patients. Details of the mode of action require further research.

* The individual consultation and assessment is carried out by your treating doctor

Fat Reduction

  • Double chin
  • Stomach
  • Upper arms
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Upper legs
  • Knee

  • Fast: Sessions 25 minutes pro area
  • Individual: Flexible applications for a huge variety of body form and sizes
  • Convenient: no surgery, no down time

Find your nearest SculpSure-DOC here!
